Hello You YouTube Mother Lovers,  today I have lots to cover. Just talked for about 4 hours with  @FleischKrieg  about their new and upcoming video  "Fool's Folley"  check it out here:  


I'm also talking, of course, about my upcoming radio show:  


where I will play a few bands which I found through "Backstage Pro", check the site out here:  


and I tell you a bit about my struggle that I cannot answer every submission anymore, as it just gets more and more. 

And yes, for every 500 new followers on my 

Spotify Playlist:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6e4KznC7LoiRjvBOlafjdX?si=Pajz1OgwQ8GdteBNvBwnmQ 

I will make a special monthly promotion through my friend from the UK.  

Through https://www.newartistspotlight.org/ 

I found the Horror Punk Band Left Hand Black and will start a radio show on:  


which is just about Horror Punk. Also a shout out to  

@ManifestiV  and Jacobs Fall (check out my T-Shirt). 

And last but not least in the next week the newest King Sinister Album / EP will emerge, as I explain in the Video:  


So lots of things to do, I'm really quite busy, but loving it. 

Thank you for all the Support!   

@Megalmodas  :  https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Gnfm4hkuc6ARQ4cEM6LSB?si=EfeQBwH6RZ2eJpAW6e7__A 

My daily curated Spotify Playlist:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6e4KznC7LoiRjvBOlafjdX?si=yuMexYo6QVi_N9SWnQ8k3g 

As Podcast you find it here:  


Please follow and share - everywhere ... ;)  


#radio​ #radiodarktunnel​ #spotify​ #spotifyplaylist​ #instagram​ #monologue #IWantMyNAS