After some deliberations, we / I came to the conclusion to continue with the music Project "Megalmodas" as a Solo Project, freeing me of any constraints  and also freeing up the members to be free of any pre perceived notions the music needs to go to. 

We simply decided to form a new "Super Group" which is nameless at this moment and I will use the "Laibach approach" with Megalmodas, collaborating with different musicians, who want to work with me as well as getting people to play live with me, once the world "un-pauses" again and concerts are a possibility again. 

If you have a cool name suggestion for our new group, which will be along the lines of Gothic and Industrial Rock / Metal, please let us hear them. I'll find some way to thank you, if we pick the name you have suggested.  


King Sinister:  

If you wanna get in touch with me, please use my socials:  

If you rather want to listen to my Talks as a Podcast, you can find it on Spotify, iTunes, Google & in other places here:

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