Welcome back, Literary Slummers! This week, we're wrapping up our sad girl unit with a listener slubmitted author (thanks, Bryn!) We've got a quirky girl medical illustrator and a bad boy graffiti felon navigating a relationship with lots of sad things in both their back stories. We've got banter, we've got bad relationships with parents, we've got consensual stalking. #JustSadGirlThings

Recommended Reading:
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty

Join us next week for the finale in the Dive series!

Twitter: @shelfawarecast, @amdeebee, @emnoteliza
Instagram: @shelfawarecast
Email: shelfawarecast @ gmail
Ben Cope: youtube.com/user/fretwiz