Welcome back, Literary Slummers! This week, we're continuing our unit on "clean" romances with a 1979 chores book that takes place on the Canadian frontier. Topics up for discussion include a background on the genre, an extremely annoying main character, and the popularity of Lean Cuisines in the 1800s.

Join us next week for another Meow Meow Monday. And don't forget, you can still join in on our 2022 reading challenge on Twitter or Storygraph!

Recommended Reading:
Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau
A Duke, the Lady, and a Baby by Vanessa Riley
To the Sky Kingdom by Tang Qi

Twitter: @shelfawarecast, @amdeebee, @emnoteliza
Instagram: @shelfawarecast
Email: shelfawarecast @ gmail
Ben Cope: youtube.com/user/fretwiz