Welcome back, Literary Slummers, to our second holiday episode of 2018. Santa heard that Anna hated the song Christmas Shoes with a fiery passion, and decided to punish us both for being such mean, hateful readers all year long. He found something much worse than coal: the novelization of said Christmas song. Will Anna & Em be able to overcome this challenge and discover the true meaning of Christmas along the way? Tune in to find out!

A very special thank you to Ben Cope for our theme song! Check out his YouTube channel: youtube.com/fretwiz.

Rather be Reading:
Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Happy Holidays!

Have a terrible book you'd like to see us tackle in 2019? Let us know!
hatereadcast @ gmail
Twitter: @hatereadcast, @amdeebee, @emnoteliza

We'd love it if you could leave us a sweet, sweet 5-star review on iTunes!

Books Referenced