Welcome to Sheepdog Financial, episode 18. Scott is here with Deb Meyer. Deb is the author of the recently released book Redefining Family Wealth. As a financial advisor, she realized that most everyone she talked to was having the same economic issues. She felt the need to write a book to be able to reach people on a broader level so she could help more people no matter what stage of life they are in. Her passion is teaching people to reconcile the tension between living true to your values and living in a consumeristic society.


Deb speaks about bringing your unique gifts to the world and doing it in a way that impacts your community. Figuring out your particular values and matching those values with some long-term goals and visions for your family. The first step is to find your why, without knowing that, it’s hard to set the small goals that will get you to.


When your child asks you to buy them something, is your typical response, “we don’t have the money for that”? Listen as Deb gives us examples of how to make that a teaching moment that will follow them as they get older. You might think that it won’t matter. They don’t understand, but children absorb so much that you don’t even realize, and what you say now will influence how they handle situations in the future.


Are you ready for retirement? As we age, we all wonder when will be the best time to retire. Deb talks about retirement age being relative, working if we don’t have enough saved, and how to help the community if we need to stay busy. 


If you are planning to retire or want to find out how to have fun while you are still working, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss. Sit back, relax, and listen in as Deb gives us the rundown planning your financial future.

Highlights from Episode 18


[00:59] Welcome to the show, Deb!

[01:09] Deb tells us what inspired her to write the book.

[02:54] She discusses how she stayed focused and finished the book.

[04:13] Why did you go to Spain on vacation? Had you been there before?

[05:51] Deb defines family wealth as how to bring your unique gifts to the world and do it in a way that impacts your community.

[06:49] Matching your money with your value, putting family before work.

[07:42] Figuring out what your particular values are and matching those values with some longer-term goals and vision for the family.

[08:01] The first step in financial planning is figuring out your goals, and when you want to retire. 

[09:54] How are you preparing your children for financial success as they get older.

[12:42] Deb discusses how kids absorb so much of what they hear, so be mindful of what you say in front of them.

[13:53] How do you help people who are thinking about retirement? What do you recommend?

[16:17] Scott and Deb talk about different jobs they have seen seniors take to enhance their money and to keep them busy.

[18:18] They discuss taking a sabbatical before retirement, when changing jobs or just because you want to.

[21:09] What do you think the financial mindset of people is today? Are we moving in the right direction?

[24:39] Charitable giving can be supported by financial gifts or by volunteering. Still, there are strategies that you might want to talk to an advisor about.

[28:42] Why do you think it is essential to have a financial advisor?

[32:06] Deb’s final advice is to stick with it, and celebrate your success as you journey through this and find more purposeful living, recognize times that you are making progress.

Links and Resources


Deb Meyer Email


Redefining Family Wealth


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