"Jim Crow would create, for the Black community, access to water issues so people could not easily and readily access pools and water spaces that were safe and clean. That resulted in families who didn't get that skill set to pass it to generations. And it then created this fear, which then led to drowning."

In this episode, hear from Trish Miller, founder of Coralus Venture SwemKids. Trish joins Coralus Development Guide MJ Ryan to discuss how SwemKids teaches swimming skills and water safety programming to communities with high rates of drownings. Trish and her team address barriers to swimming, including access to pools, cost of lessons, and hair maintenance, through strategic location choices, scholarships, and product development.

They also discuss:

Trish's personal connection to swimming and how her background in public health led her to start SwemKids.
SwemKids' marketing strategies, including vinyl billboards and direct mail marketing.
Trish's experience in the Coralus community so far, including sessions with a venture CFO and connections with other Ventures.
Trish's ask and a challenge for listeners.

Connect with Trish Miller and SwemKids on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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