"We decided very early on that we were going to try and get online as fast as possible. That was something that always was in the works. This really was just a good kick in the butt to finally get these systems and processes in place to make that a reality. There's certainly a lot of adaptability that was needed there and things were changing." - Brianne Miller, Co-founder and CEO of Nada

In the COVID era of grocery shopping, Nada needed to shift its business model to be innovative with their decisions to continue to serve their community. As a package-free grocery store on a mission to connect people to just food - championing a community food system by linking buyers to suppliers and offering healthy, unpackaged products & services - this posed a challenge in the current world.

Vicki Saunders discusses these pivots with Brianne Miller, Co-founder and CEO of Nada in this minisode including:

The impact of health and safety regulations on Nada's business model.
Shifting to an online model while adapting to constant changes.
Embracing opportunity for a different type of growth.
The need for a complete company restructure.
How online models can have a positive impact on sustainable development goals to reduce the impact on our planet.

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Take action with Nada:

Check out SheEO Venture Nada's website https://www.nadagrocery.com/

Engage with Nada on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.





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