Cat Coode is the Founder of Binary Tattoo, a data and privacy consultancy. With a certification in data privacy law and two decades of experience in mobile development and software architecture, she helps individuals and corporations better understand cybersecurity and data privacy. Cat specializes in global privacy regulation compliance and delivering privacy education seminars. She is a member of the Canadian Standards Council for GDPR and in 2021, was named one of Canada’s Top 20 Women in Cybersecurity. 

In this episode…

Most professionals and corporations are familiar with GDPR and CCPA, but Canada’s data privacy law differs in that individuals are permitted to access and amend personal information from companies. This right has exposed various data privacy breaches from large organizations like Tim Hortons and Home Depot. So what can companies learn from these mistakes?

Data privacy infringements occur when businesses mislead their customers about how they’re utilizing personal information for various services. Regardless of where you’re located, Cat Coode says to avoid disclosing sensitive data to third parties. Instead, it’s crucial to maintain transparency regarding data collection and usage so consumers can take control of their information.

In this episode of She Said Privacy/He Said Security, Jodi and Justin Daniels host data privacy strategist and Founder of Binary Tattoo, Cat Coode, to chat about Canadian data privacy laws. Cat also shares the implications of Home Depot’s data collection and sharing methods, the three best practices for vendor due diligence, and how Canada’s data privacy laws compare to other regulations.