Susan Frew felt like hiding under a rock after her employee stole from her and took a considerable amount of money out of the business. Despite winning 43 awards and winning Inc. 500, her mental health struggled and so did her business while all of this was going on. The biggest takeaway was that she let her ego get in the way and it didn’t allow her to properly recover from the incident, but after taking deliberate and intentional action on her miracle journal and being grateful, Susan has come out of this more successful than ever.


Key Takeaways

● Unfortunately, the internet wasn’t too good and the interview got cut a little short, but because this information is so timely, we’re releasing it! ● When an elephant is giving birth, the other female elephants in the tribe surround her to protect her. ● When Susan’s company came under attack from a cybercrime, she let her mental health go. ● Susan won Inc. 500 and her business dreams were coming true, but she felt like she was a fraud because of what was really going on underneath it all. ● Susan started a miracle journal where she would write down all the miracles that were happening in her life. ● What did Susan need to see differently that she couldn’t see at the time? ● Susan was forced to downgrade the business and sell some of her possessions because of this cybercrime. ● The initial response is wanting to hide, but in crisis, we have to not let our egos get in the way.   Resources   Quotes   Michelle’s quote: “We are in a time of crisis and Susan has applicable experience of leading self and others through crisis!”   “I found community and then I really I ended up finding, the one word is hope.”   “When you put gratitude up into the clouds, the clouds will rain down blessings.”   “The more I wrote my miracles down and the more I became profoundly and intentionally grateful, that’s when things started turning around.”