Tricia Halsey is the thought leader behind Generous Leadership® and the Founder of Big Idea Project®. Tricia is a recovering overachiever and has seen, and felt, its nasty side effects up close and personal. She refuses to let anyone on her team be in their ‘striving self’ because it only does more harm than good! That doesn’t mean they don’t show up and work hard, but there is a conscious balance and effort that gets put into how you feel about yourself. You might be a people pleaser or a perfectionist, Tricia says stop! Take time for yourself and become comfortable in your own skin. Tricia covers all this and more on this week’s episode.


Key Takeaways

Are you a perfectionist? People pleaser? Do you overwork yourself? This podcast is for you. Have people in your life that are truth-tellers, not just a friend or a colleague telling you what you want to hear. Tricia has always been an overachiever. As an athlete, it’s all about being in discomfort and pushing yourself. … And then Tricia got sick. Tricia was forced to recalibrate her values. No one on her team is allowed to live in a ‘striving’ mode. That doesn’t mean they don’t work hard. Why do we overwork ourselves to near-death? Why do we do it? Sometimes, there has to be a death before a rebirth can happen. When Tricia slowed everything down, that’s when she became reborn and healthy again. When you incorporate reflection, your productivity goes up! Be brave. You need to be brave to reach for the things you don’t have yet, but you know it’s in you to achieve. Michelle shares how her ‘striving self’ shows up in times of overwhelm. Why do we make things so much harder than they need to be? There is so much power and calm in just being who you are. Tricia would cause herself so much stress because she was such a people pleaser. Now, she has so much peace and comfort in her own skin. If Tricia is faced with an uncomfortable situation, she puts herself in their shoes, asks questions about what they might be feeling, and she leads with love instead of fear. Tricia has seen the results personally of just letting love lead. People are receptive to it and calm down immediately when they know you are on their side! People trust her more because of it. Belief determines behavior. Tricia explains what generous leadership is. We all go through seasons in life. Sometimes you have to put all of your energy into a project, but you just have to be conscious and know your limits, know when to take pause, and take a break. Be okay with the little stuff. Tricia breaks down how to practice generous leadership.



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Michelle’s quote: “Before we can make a change and see a shift within ourselves, we have to be able to identify.”


“In farming, there is a death before a rebirth. We see it, winter comes before spring. It’s all over in nature and it’s true for us too.”


“Our thoughts move a whole lot faster than our heart.”


“We can’t really truly change behavior until we change what the person believes underneath that behavior.”