Michelle McGlade is baaaaack after a short break. And she’s stronger than ever! Michelle wanted to take some time to just talk about fear and its blocking abilities to your transformation. You can’t get from one place to another without facing a bit of fear, but the trick to all of this is to do it anyway. As adults, it becomes easier and easier to completely stop dreaming and because of this, we start to lose alignment with ourselves. Don’t wait till a divorce or illness for you to start this journey of creation.


Key Takeaways

Michelle needed a break! And now she’s back stronger than ever! Michelle wanted to read a blurb from the book Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh. A modern leader will be an inside-out leader. Are you going nowhere in your business and your life? You have the power inside of you to create. Creation creates transformation, and that transformation creates evolution. Our pesky mechanisms keep us safe, but they also sabotage us. Most of us wait to have the confidence to achieve our dreams. We need to first address the fear. Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Most people let go of dreaming, altogether, as life starts to get too busy. Keep your head out of the past or in the future. You need to keep yourself present. Success is on your terms! Michelle shares a couple of examples of how you can transform yourself. When you take action, despite the fear, a huge transformation and cascading effect can start for you. When Michelle was working her way up the corporate ladder, she had to take pause. “Wait, is this what I want?” To create something from completely nothing is a powerful transformation tool. The only thing that’s standing in the way is fear!




Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm, by Thich Nhat Hanh




“The way out is in. If you get deeply in touch with the inside, you get in touch with the outside, too.”


“You have everything you need. You are a creator and whatever you put your intention to, you have the power inside of you to create.”


“Because of that one choice, to do it despite the fear, to take a risk, my transformation began.”