Previous Episode: Episode 9 - Bee hivemindful

Guests Sharron Paul, Comedian Kyle Ocasio, Comedian & Personal Trainer Pedro Granados, Personal Training Manager at MPHC, Fitness Instructor & Coach   Where do you get 6-pack abs? The kitchen or the gym? What's more important? Diet or Exercise? Are we genetically predisposed to disease or can we reverse our "fate" with diet and exercise? Habits vs choices Why are Europeans healthier while eating bread and butter?  The panel discusses this and much more, like Sharron's recent Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and new fitness regimen. Plus, Vicky has the panel debunk fitness and diet myths. Don't miss the Season One finale episode!

Guests Sharron Paul, Comedian Kyle Ocasio, Comedian & Personal Trainer Pedro Granados, Personal Training Manager at MPHC, Fitness Instructor & Coach   Where do you get 6-pack abs? The kitchen or the gym? What's more important? Diet or Exercise? Are we genetically predisposed to disease or can we reverse our "fate" with diet and exercise? Habits vs choices Why are Europeans healthier while eating bread and butter?  The panel discusses this and much more, like Sharron's recent Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and new fitness regimen. Plus, Vicky has the panel debunk fitness and diet myths. Don't miss the Season One finale episode!