Raise or wave your hand if you can relate to this; I do not like to wait. 

If you have mastered this art, then I am impressed, this remains an area that needs stretching and testing.  It's up for debate if the difficulty in waiting on God, or a career, change in relationship status, or even if in the back of the Chipotle line is hard because I am productive and feel as if I am wasting time, or if I can attribute it to the influence of the culture around me. Maybe it is a blended version of them both. 

Waiting is not easy, convenient and it is hard to surrender to the unknown of how it will all work out in the end. However, there is a solution to the pressing issue of patience, or lack there of, have a seat. The absence of moving does not suggest lack of productivity, but rather it reframes the your sitting as doing more, not less.  

Join me for another discussion within the topic of The Fruits of the Spirit!