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Show 004 Quick-Guide

What we’ve seen has been the most effective for marketing a podcast

When you promote, do you know where your listeners are coming from?

Jessica’s promotion workflow for Lady Business Radio

Elsie’s promotion workflow for Libsyn’s The Feed

Promoting your podcast BEYOND social media

Is a dedicated podcast app worth it?

Being interviewed on podcasts is a great way to promote the show - easier point of entry!

Promoting other people’s podcast - do you do it?

Elsie’s super stellar ways of getting feedback and growing your audience

What exactly do you want from your marketing? engagement or growth or???

What was your most effective means of marketing your podcast? What has worked or hasn’t worked? What causes you to take action with a podcaster? What drives you to leave a comment, respond in a group, or leave us feedback?


Rob’s article on twitter followers NOT equaling podcast listeners

Joy Junkie Podcast episode with Jessica

Ep 20 of The Feed: The Golden Rule of Editing, The EFF Challenge & Is a Dedicated Podcast App Worth It?

Leave us feedback!
You can comment below, go to the Facebook group, or email us at [email protected]!
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Come join the She Podcasts Directory

And of course give us some voice feedback: [email protected]

Show 004 Quick-Guide

What we’ve seen has been the most effective for marketing a podcast
When you promote, do you know where your listeners are coming from?
Jessica’s promotion workflow for Lady Business Radio
Elsie’s promotion workflow for Libsyn’s The Feed
Promoting your podcast BEYOND social media
Is a dedicated podcast app worth it?
Being interviewed on podcasts is a great way to promote the show - easier point of entry!
Promoting other people’s podcast - do you do it?
Elsie’s super stellar ways of getting feedback and growing your audience
What exactly do you want from your marketing? engagement or growth or???


What was your most effective means of marketing your podcast? What has worked or hasn’t worked? What causes you to take action with a podcaster? What drives you to leave a comment, respond in a group, or leave us feedback?


Rob’s article on twitter followers NOT equaling podcast listeners
Joy Junkie Podcast episode with Jessica
Ep 20 of The Feed: The Golden Rule of Editing, The EFF Challenge & Is a Dedicated Podcast App Worth It?

Leave us feedback!

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