Hey gals,

Danielle here.

Maybe you can relate to this feeling: complete cluelessness.


I believe we have all been there.

I consider myself a pretty determined and inquisitive person, but there is only so much you can find when you have no clue what you are looking for, you know? YOU KNOW?!

Back in 2011, my first FULL year in business, I was really good at one single thing: observing. I made a habit of watching, listening and paying very close attention to what the other businesses I saw online doing. It wasn’t creepy, I swear. One name kept coming up over and cover: Marie. Who was this mythical Marie of whom I heard so many speak? Ms. Marie Forleo, I came to realize, is like —  the Beyonce of online business and she opened my eyes to something very important: everything is figureoutable.

HELL YES, it is! That’s what I was doing – I was figuring it out. That’s actually what I believe we are all always doing: just figuring it out.  However, UNLIKE everybody, some of the people I observed were lightyears ahead of the pack and it could all be traced back to one single decision: the decision to invest in learning. I came to realize that there are two options in business and those are you either waste time, or you spend money. The people I was most impressed by all had one thing in common: they invested in a head start.  They invested in learning, and many of them invested in Marie.

After I took B-School in 2012, I was mindblown. My brain was so far outside of my face it was insane. HOW on earth did I not even know half of this business stuff existed. I didn’t know about Blue Ocean or email marketing. I didn’t know about online communities or copywriting. All i really actually knew was I was overwhelmed with info. But I was thrilled to bits to have unlocked this powerful world of knowledge, I knew I just had to take it one bit at a time.

B-School is not just an online course – it is a methodology. There is a system, there is an approach, there is your business: operating at a higher level…. this is the ladder up.

I’m SO excited to be partnered with Marie and her team this year – 4 full years since I have taken B-School. Because at this point I have used the B-School materials on 3 very distinct projects and businesses. I used it in my product based business at Merriweather Council, the podcast here at She Percolates and my service based business as well. I am going to use it again on another project I have in the works as well. It’s relevant to all of these things because it is an honest to goodness BUSINESS CLASS for modern entrepreneurs.

Allow me to be fully transparent for a moment: I would still be clueless about some of the things I learned in B-School had I not taken it. Seriously, there are things I learned I B-School that I heard for the first time about there and then not again until recently or still haven’t heard others talk about. YIKES.

It doesn’t matter what you’re selling – business is business, marketing is marketing, ideas need wings. Wings don’t just appear, they are built.

If B-School peaks your interest, then let me tell you it is worth every penny of your investment. And I do not say that lightly. And neither do other people. I’m willing to bet that if I asked you who do you look up to most in the online business world – your modern entrepreneurship role model – you’d name a B-School alum without even knowing they were.

Because I fully believe in the power of Marie’s teachings, I am proud to be suggesting you at least check B-School out and see how you feel about it.

If you are a handmade shop owner considering B-School, please take note of the super special bonus package I am offering if you enroll in B-School via my affiliate link. Here is how this works: in exchange for referring you to Marie’s program, she will pay me a commission. Because of this commission, I am able to offer the following bonuses to you for free (you pay nothing extra, but get these goodies in addition to B-SChool)

+ access to my Etsy Training Course ($172 value)

+ a copy of Conquering Chaos eBook ($15 value)

+ a copy of Conquering Chaos Audio Book ($9 value)

+ a live hangout with Jen + I during the B-School program (Let’s be honest: priceless memories will be made)

+ an hour long personalized consultation with me ($250 value)

+ a copy of my eBook the Handmade Shop Owner’s Communication Kit ($15 value)

That is $461 worth of extra business betterment you get for free when you purchase B-School using this link. 

It is very important that you use this link to purchase in order to access these additional bonus materials that Jen and I are offering.

PLUS I will check in with you via email throughout the B-School period to make sure you are doing alright and support you through this business changing experience.

This is an immense value-add if you are in handmade business! Please email me at Hello (at) shepercolates.com  if you have any specific questions about B-School or would like to know if this would be something you’d benefit from.

Again, I fully believe in the power of this course given my personal experience with B-School and may earn a referral fee if you purchase through my link. I really wouldn’t bother suggesting you consider this course if I didn’t think you’d love it. If you are anything like me you will enjoy it.

All of that is great, sure, okay Danielle… but where do I even start with this?

Okay, well, start here.

And seriously email me if you have questions. I’m not interested in selling this to you. I’m interested in you taking your business seriously and encouraging you to explore what you can do. I know that Marie’s course is on point but I also know it’s not for everyone. So I’m available to chat if you have questions. Hello @ shepercolates.com