Today, 2/9/16 is our 1 year anniversary for She Percolates!

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary we are pre-selling our ebook, Conquering Chaos:  Reducing Overwhelm + Increasing Focus. Learn more at

Focus and productivity do not have to be elusive and they can be part of your every day life. You can make big strides by starting with just a few small steps.

We can help.

We are so excited to introduce you to our very first ebook {learn more at} to help you overcome mental and physical chaos once and for all and get moving on those big goals and ideas you have!

Last fall, we brought you an email series challenge that took you from cluttered to focused in 5 days. We got so much good feedback about it, and we are constantly being asked to cover the topics of focus, balance, goal settings and kick starting yourself into a new project.

When we set out to bring you the Get Focused Challenge, we thought it would be a fun way for us to all declutter our minds and refocus our intentions – for personal or business life. When we saw how many of you were ALL ABOUT that, we knew the challenge had to continue and we knew we had more to share about these topics.

Conquering Chaos is a 25+ page ebook full of tips on how to identify stressors,  identify things that make work more effective, get rid of mental and physical clutter, goal setting and so much more! We have put our heads together to bring you our very best tips for focusing. Here’s a hint: focus begins with an uncluttered mind, a solid idea and whatever it is that makes YOU feel relaxed.

Not sure what you next move should be in your business? Or how to make your ideas a reality? Or maybe you feel yourself losing track of all your “me time” and want to get it back. In any of those – and so many other cases – this ebook can help you navigate to clarity!

We get it, you’re busy. We are too! That’s why we didn’t overload this with excessive text and nonsense rambling. Nope nope nope. We are trying to help you REDUCE the overwhelm, so we streamlined this guide to include only our very best insights and work throughs!

Everything in this ebook is meant to help you eliminate that feeling of overwhelm, allowing you to focus more on the things that matter.

Only the best for our gals.