Meredith Crawford is the founder and editor of the blog One Sheepish Girl. She loves knitting, crochet, photography, travel and so much more. She recently published her first crochet pattern book, Crochet with One Sheepish Girl. It is available for purchase on! In addition to her work with One Sheepish Girl, Meredith is also the communications director at a non-profit in Dallas, TX.

In today’s episode Meredith opens up about how she struggles with self esteem, how she started a blog her junior year of college as a creative outlet for knitting, crocheting, and all things yarn. She shares how she used her blog as a way to document her journey to work on her confidence with a series called “blogging for confidence.” She describes the series as “silly challenges” to push her out of her comfort zone -things like wearing red lipstick and going to see a movie alone.

We dive right in and talk about what success means/is for Meredith.

“I think success for me is more than a list of accomplishments. It’s really understanding who you are, appreciating who you are and then putting that into what ever it is that you do.”   “You are not your resume. You are not your instagram profile.”- @onesheepishgirl  

Meredith goes into detail about her journey after graduating college. She was in search of a full-time job but instead found herself with a book deal. While she fully admits the book deal is and was an amazing thing, she didn’t feel successful. She desperately wanted to find a job that would allow her to move out of her parents’ house.  She wanted to feel like she was doing what she was supposed to do, find that job after college and show she had made it and show that she was successful. She did find a job and quickly realized it wasn’t going to bring her to where she wanted to be.

“I did all the things I thought were going to make me feel successful or accomplished and it kind of did the opposite. It sort of brought a lot of these insecurities to the surface and just tore me to shreds.”