Marisa is the marketing director for FashionABLE. FashionABLE believes their role is to INVEST IN A WOMAN. When a woman is empowered with work to do, whether in the home or in an office, she not only experiences the joy and satisfaction of developing a skill, she also creates change in those around her. FASHIONABLE’s role in this story is working with women, both locally and globally, who have overcome challenges ranging from prostitution to addiction to a lack of opportunity.

Marisa lives in Nashville with her husband, they are expecting their first child in Spring 2016.

Find Marisa of FashionABLE here:
Website // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest
From December 9-16 you can save 20% on FashionABLE products with the code "shepercolates."

Marisa shares with us what success is for her:

"For me, it's really at the end of the day, if i can answer yeas to a couple of questions: did I do my best work and did I use my time well? Did I make people feel valued and loved."

Marisa shares with us about learning about humility when FashionABLE began. We also talk about the not so glamorous side of starting a company.

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