Deandra Coleman is an engaging, tell is like it is guest who loves to get down to the heart of issues. Audiences will relate to her advice on Motherhood, Womanhood and the ups and downs of life. Through her business as a productivity and success coach for online female entrepreneurs, she helps her clients define the life they envision themselves living, create systems and processes to take steps towards achieving it on a daily basis. She lives for the moment her clients call her excited about all of their new found free time to do activities that bring them joy thanks to their work together. Deandra has helped numerous success driven women redefine their goals and put plans into action to reclaim the life they’ve always wanted.

We had a wonderful time chatting with Deandra. Deandra shared how her notion of success went out the window at 27 when she was pregnant, job-less, not married and the economy was taking a huge nose dive. We also talk a lot about Deandra's desire to be an entrepreneur from an early age, she never wanted to take the conventional path.

As we do every week, we start out by asking Deandra what success means to her, and her answer is of course awesome! She shares that success is about time freedom!

"Being able to do what I love, support myself and my son but still have time to enjoy life the way I really want to enjoy it."

For Deandra this means being able to take Friday's off for herself.  She works hard to have her work done Monday-Thursday so Friday can be her day.

Deandra shares some of the questions she asked herself that really helped her shift her definition of success.

"Ok Deandra, what is that you, A, really want out of life and what is that is going to make you happy?"

This was when her definition of success really started to shift for her.  Working tons of hours never made her happy.  She needed to find what made her happy and focus on that.

Deandra also talks about how having her son shifted so many things for her.  She was more frantic and realized she had this little guy who needed her.  This made her push herself even more than before.

"This whole notion of what I thought success was kind of went out the window...being a mom made me even more frantic..."

Towards the end of the interview Deandra shares her philosophy about speaking up about your wishes as well as putting your dreams and wishes out there into the universe.  This is something we 100% believe in! You have to say the words to make it happen. Put those big scary dreams out there!