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Jen Hemphill is a motivational money coach, AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor), wife and mom with a big heart. She's passionate about helping today's busy go-getter women easily simplify the area of money so they can focus on the more important things in life like their family and just living that amazing life they envision. When she's not talking money, she enjoys photography, coffee, chocolate, traveling, working out and dates with her husband and two sons.

We had a great time chatting with fellow milspouse, Jen! Like many milspouses her career path changed due to the military lifestyle. After having her first baby she and her husband decided she would stay home. That meant she left her higher paying job and they figured out to continue to make things work on one income. This is how Jen became interested in financial literacy and learning more about sharing financial literacy with women.

As we do every week, we start out by asking Jen what success is to her, and her answer is of course awesome!

"For me success is not necessarily a finite dollar number or anything like that. But it's really more about achieving a goal where you're pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone."

We talk about how so often the media influences our definition of success, when as Jen says,

"We really create our own success and define what our own success is."

Jen shares how her definition of success shifted with she started her money coaching business. She had set a bunch of goals for herself and when she wasn't reaching some of them she go frustrated. Her husband reminded her that she is affecting the lives of so many women.  This is where her shifted happened, she realized some times we as women forget to see all the good we are doing.

Jen shares with us why she started her podcast, Her Money Matters and well as her next big project! {Listen to find out!}

Jen also shares her love for Lewis Howes' podcast episode with Arianna Huffington as well as Arianna's Super Soul Sunday episode with Oprah.

Listen to the full episode now!


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