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Ellie Cox is a new mother to three young girls. Growing up a military child she claims the Pacific Northwest home and considers herself a city girl despite currently living in a small town with one stoplight! Ellie shares with us how she and her husband found out in a 3 month span that they were going from adopting one little girl from Uganda, to adopting to two little girls, AND expecting a baby of their own.

Ellie shares with us the shift she went through from being a working gal to a mom of three girls in a short 7 month time span.

"Since I've become a mom I've really struggled to define success. Before motherhood my definition of success was tied to my career. I had clear defined responsibilities, I had clear victories. But motherhood doesn't have those clear parameters."
"Most of the time the goal in my day where I am at in motherhood is just to get through that day and make sure everyone feels loved."

{Ellie references this article by David Brooks, The Moral Bucket List}

Ellie shares with us how from an early age she knew it was put on her heart to adopt. She has been volunteering in orphanages all over the world since she was 15 years old. We also talk about the struggle she had moving to a small college town that has a population of 2,000-7,000 depending if school is in session. Ellie also opens up about why she thinks therapy is important and valuable for all.

{Ellie references this TED talk by Brene Brown, The Power of Vulnerability}

"I don't waste a lot of tome with anything I don't feel passionate about."