Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and I chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Today we are sipping coffee and talking all about that handmade hustle! I interview Danielle about her handmade business, The Merriweather Council, which she started almost 5 years ago. Danielle talks a bit about how her shop/business started and then she answers a few questions from our community.  We couldn't answer every question and we had so much more to share so we think there is a part 2 in the future!

Questions Danielle answers:

For the people who don't know tell us how your shop started and where you sell?

Why you shouldn't jump ship from Etsy, but why you  MUST think of Etsy as a tool.

How do you manage time for new creativity?

How do you say no when someone asks you to create something that isn't you.

How to transition from corporate world to the handmade world.  For this we recommend you listen to our interview with Amanda of Scoutie Girl + Amanda Day Rose or our interview with Kim of Daisy Faye Designs.

How do you decide what info to share with other sellers/shop owners?  Things like tips for you shop, supplies.

How to you share victories and shop/biz accomplishments without sounding braggy?

For more about Danielle and the history of Merriweather council listen to her bonus episode!

For more about Jen and to hear her talk about her failed Etsy shop listen to her bonus episode!

Danielle shares some of the ways she is helping creatives put their work in the world with confidence! You can book a session with danielle or with danielle and me!
 Etsy Shop Critque // Pick Danielle's Brain
Power Hour handmade shop + social media with Danielle + Jen