One of the biggest reasons that many entrepreneurs struggle to build the business they want is because they’re not in the right mindset to create success. It’s that simple and for such a long time I was that person and it was so frustrating. One day I decided that I really needed to have a mindset shift and when I did this, it literally changed my entire life.

So in this post, we’ll be going through four simple steps to help you have that mindset shift that will help you build a wildly successful business.

These strategies have really helped me shift my mindset and have been crucial in helping me achieve some of the biggest goals I had on my vision board.

Step 1: Create awareness around where you’re at right now.

Any sort of change starts with awareness and clarity, so this is all about getting clear about where you’re at and what your mindset is like right now. There’s a powerful intuitive journaling exercise that I love to do that really helps me create awareness around what’s going on in my life and how i’m feeling right now.

Take some time somewhere quiet with a pen and a piece of paper and give yourself permission to tune in with yourself and write about what you’re feeling and what’s going on internally. I love the question, “How am I feeling right now and what’s my mindset like?” Just start writing without filtering or thinking too much. Allow the words to flow out on paper and don’t really think as you go and create awareness around what you’re currently thinking: the good, the bad and the ugly. This is all about being really honest with yourself.

Step 2: Take a look at what shifts you need to make.

As part of the intuitive journaling exercise, write down what your biggest struggle is right now, what your biggest mindset challenge is right. For example, maybe you’ve realised that you’ve got this deep-seated feeling that you’re not good enough. Maybe you’re stuck because you feel embarrassed to put your idea out there and you’re scared of being judged. Whatever is bubbling to the surface for you in terms of a mindset block, a doubt, worry or fear, focus on that and ask yourself “Why do I feel like this?” and write that down. Keep asking yourself to peel back the layers and to get to the root of the problem and what’s really going on. You need to figure out why you’re feeling the way you are so that you can do something about it.

So often we think our feelings are the problem, but when you do an exercise like this, it often brings up issues you didn’t even realise were affecting you that are often the real problem. It could be something that happened 3 years ago that you didn’t even realise is having a huge impact on how you’re actually feeling and the mindset you’re keeping today. Doing this exercise helps you uncover what is really going on. Kee asking “but why” to dig deeper and deeper so that you can uncover why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling or why you have a certain fear, doubt, worry or challenge that you’re facing at the moment.

Step #3: Discover the shifts you need to make.