In this episode, I went behind the scenes with Emily Williams, the founder of I Heart My Life. I loved talking to her about how she went from not even being able to get a job at Starbucks and having a quarter-life crisis, to building a 7-figure business in 18 months. Pretty incredible, right? Well, as I always say, if one person can do it, we all can. Enjoy this episode and get fired up for your own success :)

Outline of this Episode

[1:13] Introduction of this episode with Emily Williams, success coach. [2:48] Overview of where things are in Emily’s business. [4:03] How Emily built a 7-figure business in 18 months. [4:26] Where did the inspiration come for Emily to start her entrepreneurial journey? [7:48] What Emily Williams did to turn her inspiration into the business of her dreams. [12:48] How Emily cultivated the right mindset to accomplish her dreams. [16:50] How do you find the right coach? [19:50] What is Emily Williams’ #1 business strategy? Best marketing tool? [21:39] What Emily did not expect to deal with in her business. [23:30] What has helped Emily to stay unstoppable in the pursuit of her entrepreneurial dreams. [24:12] Lightning Round — Quick business advice and resources from Emily Wiliams. [26:06] How to have a chance to win Emily’s iHeart mini-course.

Resources & People Mentioned

Emily’s website Kate Northrup

Emily’s Favorite Books:

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks How Rich People Think, by Steve Siebold Carrie Green’s Book: She Means Business