Today we are speaking with an award winning business strategist who believes entrepreneurs can grow their dream business while living their dream lives. Racheal Cook is the founder at, and Your Business Sweet Spot.

Racheal has been able to work 25 hours a week and has built her own dream business while still enjoying her life. She has retired her husband, spends time with her family and loved ones and helps to teach other entrepreneurs do the same. Racheal believes in having clarity in what your life and business need to look like so your dream business doesn’t turn into your dream nightmare.

Outline of the Episode

[1:13] Intro to this episode with Rachel Cook, award-winning business strategist. [2:19] Rachel’s story – Why and how she left the corporate consulting world and became an entrepreneur. [5:45] How a vision board and a desire map can help you reach your dreams sooner. [11:34] Engaging with people in every part of the process is key to turning your business into a successful reality. [14:24] What is the best way to build up your audience? [17:44] How Rachel dealt with the unexpected challenges in her entrepreneurial journey. [22:47] Why being stoppable can make you unstoppable! [28:30] Lightning round.Golden nuggets of business advice and resources from Rachel Cook. [30:59] How to enter the competition to win one of Rachel’s books.

Resources & People Mentioned

Racheal Cook’s Website Racheal’s  Fired Up and Focused Challenge Book: Your Business Sweet Spot, by Racheal Cook Book: Fired Up and Focused, by Racheal Cook Book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz Book: She Means Business, by Carrie Green