Marie Poulin is a successful strategist and designer who joins us today in a special episode where we do a “movie style” presentation of She Means Business starring: Marie Poulin’s life. Join us today for an exciting adventure and a chance to win two amazing giveaways!

Outline of this Episode [1:13] Intro to this episode: Marie Poulin’s entrepreneurial journey: How we get intentional about living our dream lives. [2:03] Marie Poulin’s story about why she decided to become an entrepreneur. [5:45] Marie’s first steps -- Willingness to put yourself out there. [7:48] The “Internship phase” - just seeing what you can do and what your processes are like. [9:13] Marie Poulin talks about what kept her going through the massive journey of personal growth. [11:25] How the weight lifted when systems were in place, and how Marie was then able to sell her process to others. [13:58] Minimize time spent, by improving processes. [15:15] The factor that gave Marie key breakthroughs. [16:25] Building a business is 95% mindset and who we are. [18:05] The other 5%. Marie Poulin’s top tips for anyone who is launching a business. [18:51] Be intentional: Design life and business around what you value. [21:19] The biggest lesson Marie has learned along her journey. [22:57] Leave a comment on the blog for a chance of winning Marie’s ebook or course. Resources and People Mentioned Digital Strategy School Oki Doki Systems Rock (Natasha Vorompovia) Simon Sinek Christopher Butler