Over the past few years of working with thousands of female entrepreneurs I’ve noticed something that holds back so many people with amazing ideas: feeling like they need a specific qualification to start the business they dream of. 


If this sounds familiar, I want you to know that I understand exactly how you feel. 


Before I started FEA, I sat on the idea for 3 whole years because I kept thinking to myself, “Who am I to create this?!” and “Who will take me seriously if I have no business qualifications!”.


I wasted so much time hanging on to this false belief before I finally plucked up the courage to get out of my own way and take the leap anyway.


I don’t want that to happen to you! I want you to recognize that you don’t need a qualification to share your experiences, your skills, talents, passion and expertise. 


So in this episode I want to share with you:


What I DID have instead of a qualification, that was so much more important to help me build my business. How my friend Allie Casazza built a hugely successful 7-figure business with no qualifications (You can listen to that episode right here). The impostor syndrome I felt while writing my first book (and how this fear came up again now that I’m thinking of writing a 2nd book!). Why your experiences and skills are just as valid as any qualification and how to use them to create a valuable offer.  My best tips to help you build your confidence and go for your dreams if not having a qualification has been holding you back. 


If you’ve been holding yourself back from going after your dreams because you don’t have a specific qualification, we’ve created a fun “You’ve Got This” certificate you can download by clicking right here! - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1blmgj-uyhuUxTP5SEfPCCipnpmBFFWCY/view?usp=sharing


And if you’d like more support with starting your business, I’ve got just the thing to help you: a new course I’m creating called Create & Sell! 


In it I’m going to teach you how to take your knowledge, expertise or passion and turn it into a valuable offer that you can sell! Join the waitlist now to be the first to hear more: femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/createandsell