There are a number of key things that I learned in my journey to making my first million, and I wanted to share those with you. 

So many of us have this goal to reach a million $ in revenue and this is a dream that I shared a few years ago. I want to take you back to 2009... That year I created this challenge for myself called “Mission To Make A  Million in 365 days”. I was completely set on this idea that I was going to figure out how I was going to make a million in 365 days. I created a website and I was going to document it and share my journey.

I ended up completely falling off the bandwagon with this challenge. It was only when 2011 came around, and I recalibrated my goals to what I called my "Mission: Success Challenge" that I actually began to make progress towards that first million. And it took a fundamental mindset shift to get me there.

So in this episode, I'm going to tell you all about my journey, how I achieved that mindset shift and impart my best advice for how you can do the same.

I hope you love it :) xx