In this podcast you’ll discover:

Why having a small audience actually gives you an advantage when it comes to launching a membership site.
Why keeping your content quick and simple will actually help your members stay longer and achieve better results (and keep you off the constant content treadmill!)
5 content ideas that make up the Publisher Model, which will help you create content that is easy to digest for your members and that will help them take more action and generate more results.

This conversation with Stu is brimming with nuggets of wisdom, not just in terms of building a successful membership site, but also about understanding what type of content is most helpful for your audience (and it’s so much simpler than you think!). You’re going to love it!

And if you’d like to learn more about how to build a successful membership site and create recurring revenue for your business, then join us inside our free pop-up Facebook Group, Membership Mentoring with Carrie Green & Stu McLaren.

Stu and I will be going Live and answering your questions in there, so definitely don’t miss out!