Today I have a truly remarkable and memorable interview for you. It’s with the co-founder of the luxury, organic chocolate Green and Blacks - Jo Fairley.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how someone could build a 100 million dollar per year business, then now is your chance. I think you’ll be inspired by how she did it without falling into the craziness of running around like a headless chicken!

Whilst recording this interview and listening to Jo’s story, I had this overwhelming feeling that anything is possible if we just take things step by little step. Literally, all we have to do is take action and the most magnificent things can grow out of opportunities that appear before us in the course of our everyday life.


How Jo found a way to balance her rapidly growing business and journalist job without “running around like a headless chicken” Why “you never get anywhere in life without working incredibly hard” The importance of focusing on your strengths and outsourcing the rest The significance of being organized and creating structure in your life and business How Jo begins each day The life-changing magic of cloud technology tools How an amazing business starts with this thought: “If I need this and it’s not being fulfilled, the chances are that lots of other people feel the same way.” How to turn challenges into opportunities Why succeeding as an entrepreneur has so much to do with mindset - not skill and talent How Jo takes care of herself in order to take care of her business The apps that keep her grounded About “business karma” Why you should rest when you’re tired, not quit. Why done is better than perfect (because you can always tweak later

 RESOURCES & PEOPLE MENTIONED Jo Fairley’s website Green and Blacks  The Perfume Society  Wunderlist Google Docs DePulse Xero for Cloud Accounting You Magazine The Martha Rules book  Cadburry Her Instagram account Sainsburys  Headspace Insight Timer Carrie’s Book: She Means Business


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