Running a business isn’t always smooth sailing, in fact, learning to turn setbacks into stepping stones is such an important skill we need to have as business owners. 

And there’s no one better to learn from about that than TV presenter turned entrepreneur, Andrea McLean! 

In this episode, I had an amazing chat with Andrea, who opened up about her journey from TV presenting to launching her own business, This Girl Is on Fire.

We talked about:

00:58 The courage to pivot

02:05 Launching This Girl Is On Fire

02:46 What Andrea learned from burning out

07:53 Her advice on spending money on your business

24:36 How to feel confident on social media

I’m hosting a brand new workshop and I’d love to invite you to join me! If you dream of reaching consistent $10k months in your business, I have a framework I’d love to show you that will get you there! 

This is the framework that worked for me and that I’ve shared with 40,000+ women I’ve worked with - it’s a game-changer because it’s a step-by-step that makes everything so simple and clear.

Save a free spot now and come join me >

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