This week the Female Entrepreneur Association turned 10 years old, which is crazy, when I think back to how it started as a tiny idea in my head.

(We’re doing an AMAZING FEA birthday giveaway, so if you want to find out how you can enter and win, read till the end!)

When I first had the idea to start FEA, I held myself back for 3 whole years before plucking up the courage to really do something about it and commit completely.

I dabbled for a really long time, teetering on the edge of what could be, until one day I finally decided to go all in 100% to make it happen. 

10 years later, that small idea has turned into an incredible worldwide community, a multi-million dollar business, a bestselling book and so much more!

And through all that, there have been so many ups and downs, amazing wins and some utter failures.

So in this episode I wanted to share with you the 10 biggest lessons I have learned over the past decade of building FEA into what it is today!

These 10 tips are what I honestly think makes all the difference, the biggest things that can keep you stuck or propel you forward. 

Birthday Giveaway!

If you enjoyed this episode and found it valuable, then why not enter our birthday giveaway?

Simply take a photo or screenshot of you listening to this episode, share it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @femaleentrepreneurassociation

You’ll be in with a chance to win an amazing Inspiration Box full of goodies from our Carrie & Co luxury stationery line!! 

And after listening to these tips, if you want more resources, support and an amazing community around you to help you turn that idea into a wildly successful business, then definitely check out our Members’ Club right here: