We’re facing some crazy things in the world right now that are leading to a lot of uncertainty, fear and challenges. So I really wanted to do something for this amazing community to help us all during this time.

I had a good think about what I do when I’m struggling with uncertainty, challenges and fear and I realised that I turn to some incredible people to help me through.

So I reached out to these people and asked if they would be up for doing a Facebook live with me to share their amazing wisdom with you.

This is the first of 5 Facebook Lives and it’s with my husband, Kelin.

He’s the first person I turn to when I’m feeling uncertain or full of fear, so I thought it would be fun to chat with him and share how we stay positive together.

This Facebook Live was inside our Members’ Club private Facebook group, but I really wanted to share it with you too.

In it we talked about:

Specific things we do together to stay positive How we get intentional about creating a happy and positive vibe at home I share questions from a workbook I made for us to fill out when we got married to help us build a solid relationship And how we’re coping working from home with Kasey, our one-year-old!

(We had to ply Kasey with treats and Peppa Pig to keep in quiet as we went live haha. Obviously, he still wanted to be heard and at the end he makes a very cute appearance!)


I don’t normally do such personal videos and interviews, but given the nature of everything going on right now, we’re all feeling the impacts of it on a deeply personal level. There’s so much emotion and it’s such a testing time that I wanted to get personal about how I’m dealing with it.

Enjoy and stay safe.

With love,

Carrie xx