We all go through periods where we feel completely stuck in a rut and it can feel so frustrating when you just can’t seem to move forward.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated because you just can’t seem to be the person you need to be to create the business and life that you dream of, then this guide is going to help you turn that around in a few simple but powerful steps.

The tips I’m sharing in this post have helped me time and time again throughout the past few years, giving me the fuel I need to start moving again whenever I’ve felt stuck, lost or frustrated.

Finding powerful ways to shift myself into a growth mindset has been one of the most important things I’ve ever done that has completely transformed my life.

From 2008 all the way through to 2011 I was stuck in a massive rut, feeling completely lost as to where I wanted my life to go.

I had this feeling deep down inside that I wasn’t living the life I was meant to be living. I felt like I was playing small, like there was so much more meant for me.

I just wasn’t living up to my potential and if you’ve ever felt like that, you know how annoying it can be.

If you want help, guidance and support to achieve a big goal this March, make sure you join our free Mission For March challenge, where we’ll be working together to take the action we need to take to make a big goal happen! Click below to sign up and get your free workbook!


I knew that things needed to change and in 2011, I got to a point where I was completely fed up with my own excuses and I finally decided to do something about it.

I realised that I was the problem and that my own mindset was the only reason that I was feeling so stuck. I knew I was also the only person that could get myself out of it.

I had to change who I was being, the thoughts I was thinking, the way I was showing up every day and the habits I was practicing.

So I did some simple things that had a really profound impact and since then, I’ve been repeating these same steps and they’ve worked for me every time, so I know they can do the same for you.