Creating a compelling brand is so important for developing the story of your business and, ultimately, winning customers. But there's more to it than simply choosing your fonts, colour palette and art style.  

Here is my breakdown of the questions you need to ask yourself and the actions you need to take in order to develop a successful, compelling and incredible business brand: 

 1 - The brand is the personality, the heart and soul, the feeling of what a company is.  

2 - If you position your brand’s values clearly, it creates a platform for customers to identify with.

3 - Ask yourself what values you actually want to infuse into the essence of your business.

4 - Be clear with the voice of your brand; this will help customers to emote and identify with it.

5 - Ask who your audience actually are. Build a brand according to their perspective.

6 - Create avatars of your ideal customers. Who are they? How do they live? What are they like?

7 - Who is this person in relation to who your company are? How can you help to serve them?.

8 - There is no such thing as a unique message, only unique messengers.

9 - Get involved with designing; as the founder, it is your vision.

10 - If your strength is not in creative thinking, outsource the design tasks to an amazing creative.

11 - Don’t compare your Chapter One to someone else’s Chapter Twenty!

12 - Use tools like Canva to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you when designing.

13 - Put together a brand mood-board so your design style is consistent and in line with your voice.

I hope these tips really help you to create the brand of your dreams. I know that for me, building a brand has been one of the most exciting and fun aspects of developing the Female Entrepreneur Association, and I really hope you get as much joy from the process as I did!  Carrie  xx


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