Welcome to Season 3 where I’ll be speaking to women in the travel industry who are having an impact on the travel industry and helping others live their best lives. We’ll be covering corporate runaway stories, remote work tips, grief and travel, planning for retirement, solo female travel, moving abroad, building generational income, and much more!

In this episode I speak to Nanette Fairley who I met in 2019 at the Digital Nomad Girls Retreat. She has gone on to co-found WhatNextology which is a diverse community of inspiring individuals who are getting ready to or have already retired. Listen in as we cover moving into your Third Age.

What we discuss

Her corporate runaway story from large corporate roles and entrepreneurship to traveling the world in her 50s
What her role as a business psychologist in her former life actually entailed
The inspiration behind WhatNextology
What to think about when planning for retirement...and why it's so much more than finances
How does one know if they are financially ready to retire?
Advice for those who are over 50 but aren't financially where they need to be to retire?
Her perspective on being childfree

About Nanette

Nanette's plans for her Third Age which involves travelling in slo-mo around the globe, are currently on hold with the current health crises. However, she has been SO lucky to be spending COVID non-travel time in Australia with her family, something, as an expat, she has not done in 28+ years.

A business psychologist by training, Nanette has more than thirty years’ experience in the corporate world, primarily in management consulting and the aviation industry. Her role has varied from culture and change projects to supporting individuals make the most of their talents and careers through leadership development, talent management, and developmental assessment.

Since leaving full-time employment Nanette founded WhatNextology, a resource for those wanting to make the most of their life after full-time work and family commitments. WhatNextology provides community,  support, ideas and inspiration for those planning their what's next in their Third Age.

As well as working in large corporate roles, Nanette set up a bricks and mortar business in 1998 which was acquired in 2018 by a dynamic US corporate with global expansion plans.

Connect with Nanette on her website WhatNextology, her Facebook community Retirement Redefined Inspiration for your ThirdAge, Instagram, or reach out to her directly at [email protected]

Take the FREE WhatNextology Wayfinder questionnaire and report that explores important factors proven to be essential for a healthy and fulfilling Third Age.

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