In this episode we hear from two marvelous women who have taken life by the horns, hit refresh, and leaped into the unknown. First we'll hear from Christina Lord, who just turned 40! She shares how death and divorce drastically changed her life and led her to go on a journey of self-discovery and reinvention. We'll also hear from 43 year young Melissa Mansfield. Her love of travel and dance took her on a post-divorce journey through Latin America and helped heal in ways only dance can do.
What We Discuss

Escaping the rat race and corporate world to leap into the unknown
Backpacking around the world in your 30s
Advice for women who don’t feel like they are living their purpose but don’t know what they should be doing
Chasing your childhood dreams
Falling in love with Latin America and salsa dancing
Using dance as a tool for growth and healing
How hitting refresh doesn't solve everything
The magic that happens when you fully embrace yourself

About Christina
Christina joined She Hit Refresh back in February 2018. She currently lives in the UK and recently returned to her home town to look after her Dad following a cancer diagnosis. Around the same time she left her corporate life to setup her own Coaching business.
She Hit Refresh immediately struck a chord with her as 3 years prior, Christina hit her own refresh after the blueprint of her life irrevocably changed. She quit her corporate job of 10 years, bought a backpack and set out to travel solo for a year.
Since then she has embraced more travel, lived and worked abroad; taking the time to reconnect with her passions. It was that path that led her to train to become a certified professional Coach and Master Practitioner in Energy Leadership.
Follow Christina on Facebook, Instagram at @christinaauthenticaction, LinkedIn, and her website Authentic Action Coaching.
About Melissa
Melissa Mansfield is the host and producer of the web series "Follow My Lead", in which she travels the world pursuing her childhood dream to be a dancer.
Through Melissa's personal journey dancing with master teachers and taking on ambitious dance challenges, viewers are immersed in the dance cultures of some of the most iconic cities in the world.
Melissa has produced two seasons of Follow My Lead - living in Havana (SE01) and Buenos Aires (SE02) - and is now based in New York City, planning for Season 3.
Catch more of her story in our Member Spotlight series.
Follow her on Facebook, Instagram @melissasmansfield, and on her website Follow My Lead.

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