Welcome to Season 3 where I speak to women in the travel industry who are making an impact and helping others live their best lives. We cover everything including corporate runaway stories, remote work tips, grief and travel, planning for retirement, solo female travel, moving abroad, building generational income, and much more!

In this episode with my friend, mentor and source of inspiration, Sienna J. Brown. Sienna is the founder of Master Your Move Abroad where she teaches women how to find the clarity, career and community they need to build a life abroad on their own terms. Her mission is to empower and elevate women in their personal and professional lives. She's been featured in international publications like Vogue, CNN, Travel & Leisure, TEDx and more.

What we discuss

Her move from the U.S. to Spain
Her life and career pre-Spain including a stint at Vera Wang
How she went from teaching English abroad to getting hired by a Spanish company and founding her business
Her advice for those who want to live abroad but don't want to teach English
The challenges she's faced abroad
How she's been able to create a life she loves
What a typical day in Javea for her looks like
What holds most people back from success
and much much more!

About Sienna

Sienna J. Brown is the founder of Master Your Move Abroad where she teaches women how to find the clarity, career and community they need to build a life abroad on their own terms. Her mission is to empower and elevate women in their personal and professional lives. She's been featured in international publications like Vogue, CNN, Travel & Leisure, TEDx and more

Connect with Sienna on her website and Instagram.

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