In this episode we’ll here from two women who fell out of love with their careers and changed directions in their 40s. There are two very different journeys but both very inspiring!

What We Discuss

What it's like to change your life in your 40s!
Complete career change: working with at risk youth and to helping female solo-preneurs
Why you shouldn't quit your day job before you start your side-hustle
Why hitting refresh is easier than you think
Advice for what to charge for your products and services as an entrepreneur
What is a money archetype
How a pattern interrupter like travel can positively effect mental health
How to go from working for a large consulting firm to freelancing, and then to building an online business
Why it's important to chase "Buzzwords"
How to hit refresh with children
Dealing with a mother's guilt
Having faith that everything will work out

About Wendy

Wendy mentors committed female entrepreneurs who are established in the marketplace, have a message that makes an IMPACT, and are marketing their business online but are struggling to generate any premium sales.

She coaches them to confidently step into their visibility, reach a wider audience, and create more clients and financial freedom in a way that is easy, fun and feminine.

Connect with her on her website Virtual Tea and Cake, Facebook, and Instagram.

About Sia

Born in Russian, as a child she lived in Cuba and Finland, moved to Germany for University. Lived and worked in Germany, UK, Switzerland and now in Australia. Sia worked 12 years in the Big 5 consulting firm. Set up (while getting divorced, moving cities with two boys (6&8) and getting married again and ... moving again) and run a social inclusion and educational online project for russian-speaking immigrant women (still ongoing); decided to change direction and got digital marketing degree (degree number 4) and started freelancing. She also host a monthly digital radio show about business.

Connect with Sia on her website and Facebook.

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