Have you ever wondered what a life coach does? Maybe you're already working with one? Or maybe you want to be one!  

Since we get a lot of questions regarding life coaching in the She Hit Refresh group, we invited coach and facilitator Katie Chalcraft to the podcast. Listen in as she provides insight on the purpose and power of working with a life coach. She'll also dive into her own refresh story, how she got started as a coach, why she has her own life coach, and where following her heart has taken her. 

We are thrilled to have Katie join us in Marrakesh at our She Hit Refresh Morocco Retreat in April. She will facilitate our first workshop of the week which is focused on finding our top five passions in priority order.  

You can connect with Katie via email, or on her Website, Instagram or Facebook. You may also be interested in her free guide ‘The Ultimate Guide to Thrive: 21 Tips to help you to find your feet in a foreign land’ available on her website.

Where to find She Hit Refresh:

Join our Facebook Group, get more tips and advice on how to hit refresh on our blog, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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