Not many people would sell their home to fund their business but that’s exactly what inspirational, single mum-of-one, Selma Nicholls did to turn her entrepreneurial dream into what is now, a successful reality. Why risk so much, might you ask? Because at the time she felt like she had no choice. Having launched Looks Like Me - the only child talent agency in the UK that is committed to challenging racial stereotypes in advertising - four years ago, Selma opens up about the whirlwind of a journey that she's been on so far. From her candid thoughts on dealing with the pressure and loneliness that can come when you’re trying to make an impact on a scale unlike anything you’ve ever known before; her practical advice on funding from her initial Virgin Start Up loan of £7000 to selling her flat; to how she uses PTSD from an attack in her early twenties as fire in her belly to fuel her ambition and success going forward; Selma is a woman worthy of every bit of success that comes her way in my opinion and I really hope that you take as much from her story as I did….