" Teachers play an important role in our lives"
Hello and welcome to Day 8 of our wisdom series. Today we talk about the importance of teachers and being a teacher yourself. When I was in Form 2 ( equivalent to Grade 8), My teacher Mrs. F Moyo was my very own cheerleader. She believed in me like no other. Mrs. F nicknamed me "the clever one" and that boosted my confidence. I only saw myself as a poor girl who had nothing going well for herself but, Mrs. F saw so much more. I learned to instill confidence in others and use my influence in their lives for good. We are all teachers in one way or another. Every one of us has something to teach or share with someone. You don't need a classroom or whiteboard to do it, you don't need a stage or a microphone either. Don't look down on yourself, you are a jewel that can change someone's life. Be a blessing in someone's life.

Stay motivated, Keep Motivating, Stay Wise. See you tomorrow for more life lessons.