'Don't wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.' - Robert G. Allen.

Hello and welcome to Day 25 of our wisdom series. Today I share with you an important tip that will come in handy when investing in real estate. I learned this lesson the hard way. I had an opportunity to purchase a beautiful house in Arizona and I chose to wait. I assumed the price will go down and, yeah, that did not happen. I have made sure not to make that mistake again because I missed out on a great opportunity.

If you are thinking of investing in real estate, good for you. The best investment on earth is earth. They are making more gadgets, more airplanes but they can't make more land. As you start or continue investing in real estate remember this; don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait. Learn from my mistake!

Stay Motivated, Stay Wise and see you tomorrow for more wisdom from our wisdom series.

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