" We are all members of a single humanity, inside our hearts, we all speak the same language, we all love our children and our parents, we all live in the same world." - Marc Forne Molne

Hello and welcome to Day 18 of our wisdom series. Living in Canada has exposed me to a lot of different people, races, and cultures. Growing up in Africa, I was only exposed to a few Asians and Caucasians. Imagine the culture shock I experienced when I arrived in Canada. So many different people. I often wondered if they had the same thoughts as I did. Hahahahaha funny right?

As I started working with different people I quickly realized that we are the same. We might have different colored skin or different skin tones but underneath we are all the same. We all pee, we all bleed the same blood, we are one people with the same destiny. We are all human, aren't we? Therefore let us treat each other with kindness, let us live in harmony and most importantly, let us love one another.

In the words of Kofi Annan, "We may have different religions, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values."

Stay Loving, Stay Motivated, Stay Wise and see you tomorrow for more wisdom from our Wisdom Series.