" The biggest risk is not taking any risks...In a world that's changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." - Mark Zuckerburg.

Hello and welcome to Day 16 of our wisdom series. In today's episode, we talk about taking risks. Taking risks does not mean you are guaranteed to succeed every time and that's okay. It can go either way, you can fail to succeed. The best part is, either way, you learn something that can help you grow as a person. Many of my achievements required that I get out of my comfort zone. I moved from Zimbabwe to a foreign country, I got into the Real Estate World (I knew nothing about it), I started speaking on international events, I invested in real estate and I didn't always succeed in all of my endeavors. Whether it was investing money to help my business grow, putting myself out there, overcoming stage fright, I had to take risks and I am glad I did.

Many of us are scared of taking risks but what you need to realize is you have nothing to lose forever. You will not suffer an eternity of loss. Always ask yourself this question, " What's so bad about taking a risk?". Remember that failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of it. Life is about taking risks, if you never take a risk, you will never achieve your dreams.

Start taking risks, Overcome Your Fears, Embrace failure, its a lesson, Stay Motivated, Stay Wise and see you tomorrow.