"When you are grateful - when you can see what you have—you unlock blessings to flow in your life." —Suze Orman

Hello and welcome to our Special Thanksgiving Episode 😄!  

If you remember our Wisdom series, I did an episode on practicing gratitude and how doing this can literally change your life. Many of you reached out and expressed how much practicing gratitude has changed their lives. I was moved to tears by your responses, and that added to the list of things I am grateful for. And so this week, as I was reflecting on being grateful and practicing gratitude 🤔, it hit me. 😄💡I should share a Thanksgiving Episode on The Power of Gratitude. This week's episode will be a throwback to our first She Breaks Thru Podcast episode with May McCarthy. I still believe you need to hear her powerful message. 

 May not only talks about the power of gratitude, but she also talks about forgiveness, taking action, the path to wealth and how all these play a role in achieving success. Her biggest breakthrough came when she started pre-celebrating her success! 

Her message still inspires me up to this day and I know it will inspire and motivate you too.🤩 Enjoy!