Sarah is a cheerleader of woman, a life-long learner, and an Italian by heart and stomach.

She is a World Professional Semi-Finalist in Latin style dancing, an Award-Winning Coach, and for the past 18 years has coached women between the ages of 16-65, helping to empower them and enrich their lives by teaching them skills like poise and presentation, body language, style, how to walk in heels, and how to develop their feminine mystique.

She is an expert at spotting what feminine elements can be amplified in each of her clients and she focuses on getting them there in record time.

Memorable moments:

3:36: My definition of modern femininity is a woman who has thought through how she wants to look, feel, and show up in the world, and she's cultivated her environment around that to support that. 

4:56: When women are in touch with their femininity, there comes this certainty and confidence that follows that. 

9:25: it takes four seconds to make your initial first impression, and 55% of that is your body language.

Follow Sarah:

Instagram - @thefemininityprojectinc


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