Maxine Sharf is a food blogger and recipe developer. She started @maxiskitchen on Instagram and has grown an engaged following of food lovers who enjoy her healthy recipes and authentic passion for cooking. 

She gives valuable advice regarding the challenges of growing an online community and why it’s important to lean into your passion. 

Memorable moments:

14:45: Get over the mental hurdle of just starting. Just start putting out content, even if it's just one thing. 

15:02: Lean into your passion. For me, I know that cooking is my passion because the world tends to kind of melt away when I'm doing it and I get into sort of a flow state.

15:14: There's a hundred percent going to be a big community of people out there who are also interested in that thing, even if it's a really niche random thing that you're like thinking “am I the only person out there that likes this?” That's probably going to be a more diehard following. 

16:03: When you combine the medium that you're the most comfortable with with the passion that you truly care about, you're going to create great content.


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