In this episode, she shares why she bailed on Hollywood to pursue building her own company and helping others share their story.

She’s become an expert in preparing people to make the most out of their moments on the mainstage. We also discussed our mutual love for Laura Belgray, why it’s so important to ALWAYS listen to your intuition, and be bold and brave enough to shed our people-pleasing tendencies!

Memorable quotes:

“Start with your message. Start with your content.”

“Oftentimes people will get caught in a people-pleasing place...those scripts never work out.”

“I want you to pick the topic that you are so lit up about even if you think that no one will be interested in it.”

“There’s always an audience for everything.”

“Pick the thing you’re passionate about. At the end of the day, your excitement for that topic is what will propel you forward, especially when the process gets hard.”


I highly recommend you follow Helena on Instagram and TikTok! She’s always posting super valuable information and tips to help you be a better speaker. 




To sign up for Helena's trainings and quizzes:

Check out her website.

What's your speaking superpower Quiz

Get Booked to Speak at TEDx

TEDx Webinar Registration

The Top TEDx Clichés & How to Avoid Them


As you know I always ask my guest for their recommendations… Here are Helena’s:

Book Recommendations:

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert -

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott -

Lost Connections by Johann Hari:


Podcast Recommendations:

Coffee and Converse

Systems Saved Me

The Perfectionism Project


Influencer Recommendations:

Sam Laura Brown - @samlaurabrown

Laura Belgray - @talkingshrimpnyc

Merel Kriegsman - Minimalist Millionaire Collective -  @merelkriegsman


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